We are excited to announce that there is a new Youth Program starting up for Special Olympics in May called Youth Multisport. This program has been created as the next step in the Youth series following Active Start and FUNdamentals.
The program will encompass a number of sports and prepare the athletes for our main sports in Special Olympics. The pilot will cover basketball soccer and softball in the spring. Athletes can use the skills they learned in FUNdamentals and start playing the games.
Here are the particulars:
- When: Starting, May 26th, 7-8 pm
- Where: Canada Games Centre, 26 Thomas Raddell Drive, Halifax
- Who: All Special Olympics eligible athletes ages 13-16(ish) and their siblings. Newcomers welcome
- Cost: Free
- Bring: Indoor shoes and athletic clothing
- Registration: By email (mlandry@sportnovascotia.ca) or at the door on May 26th
- Supplied: Once registered, athletes will receive a t-shirt and water bottle
For more information, contact Mark Landry at mlandry@sportnovascotia.ca