We are excited to let you know we will be having our registration night in person this year!
Please be advised that registration night will be in a new format and at a new location.
Date: Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Time: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Location: St. Agnes Church – Gym (6903 Mumford Road, Halifax)
This year we will have all athletes, families, care givers, etc. who are there to register stand in a line outside (please dress accordingly for the weather)
ARRIVAL: Coaches for each program will be going up and down the line outside to answer any questions you may have, and hand out any additional information about their program. Please make sure to ask any questions you have about a specific program outside to the correct coach, as they will be the only ones who will be able to answer questions about their program.
STEP 1 : Once registration is open, you will be allowed into the gym one at a time. Please go directly to the first table. This is where you will provide your name and phone number as we need to take attendance of everyone who attends registration night.
STEP 2: After you have checked-in, you will be directed to head to the next available table. At this table, you will register for all of the programs you would like to participate in for the season.
STEP 3: After you have registered, you will be directed to the final table (once available). This table will be where you will collect your notice about our annual banquet!
STEP 4 : After you have stopped at all 3 tables, you will exit the church gym and head home to allow the rest of the athletes to enter the building and do the same.
Unfortunately, we are not able to have any socializing like we have in that past, as we want to make sure everyone stays safe and healthy!